
Become a Chamilo member

Join us and get great benefits while supporting our project

Chamilo membership type:

We invest your contribution into...

    • Demo campus maintenance (servers, upgrades...)50%
    • Technical documentation35%
    • Community development (tutorials, events support, participation in forums,...) 10%
    • Association´s administrative maintenance5%

100% enthusiasm

Your support encourages us to make the project grow more and more every day.

Become a Chamilo member

Find all the necessary information for becoming a Chamilo member and be part of this project in the pdf we have prepared for you.

Other ways to collaborate

Find yours

Make a donation:

Help programming

Can you code? Do you dominate the intricacies of PHP? In Chamilo we'd be thrilled to have you as a contributor in our development team.

At Chamilo we are arms opened for any person interested in collaborating developing new features or fixing bugs.

If you want to join the team, be it for occasional contributions or for a longer engagement, we recommend you start by checking our developers wiki as it contains all you need to start working.

Developers wiki

Create support materials

If your profile is less technical, there are still many ways you can help.

You can add your own drop to the bucket doing any of these:

  • Access the community forum regularly and try giving others that helping hand they are looking for .
  • Build content that new community members will use to make their discovery of Chamilo a more pleasant experience with tutorials,


    , etc.
  • Write your testimony and share it on our social network. It will be greatly useful to promote Chamilo

If you have any idea or proposal, drop us an e-mail

Report bugs

If you use Chamilo frequently or have some time to test beta versions, reporting issues is the best way to contribute.

Two eyes see more than one. If you detect an error in Chamilo and you detail it correctly on Github, we'll be able to fix it much faster.

You don't need to be a developer for this: just be precise and explain with details how and where the issue appears.

Tutorial (in Spanish) to report issues

Become a translator

Are you a great multilingual speaker/writer? Are you passionate about languages? Chamilo has translations in more than 34 languages, so you can certainly contribute something

You can check a translation already made, translate newly included terms or collaborate in translating news and content from the website.

As you can see, there are many possibilities If you want to be a translator, first create an account on our translations portal and read the instructions.

Translators portal

Fund a local group

El mundo es tan grande y en cada país, zona, región aprendemos de un modo diferente, ¿verdad?

Así que no hay mejor modo de colaborar con el proyecto que animándote a crear tu propio grupo local de Chamilo.

Los grupos locales pueden iniciarse por cualquier persona que sea socia de la asociación y sólo existe un compromiso: participar en el evento online y descentralizado Chamilo Users Day

Si estás intreresado en fundar un grupo local, escríbenos a communication @

Help others in the forum

Your experience is very valuable and wether you are a begginer or an expert, there always will be people searching for your help.

Joing the forum every week and try to help those who are doing their first steps with Chamilo. Or check for more technical questions your skills allow you to answer.