
Looking for an administrator for your Chamilo e-learning platform?

We offer you our directory of professionals who have been successfully evaluated by a complex exam for Certified Chamilo LMS Portal Assistant (CCHAPA), with names, score, date of certification and a unique ID officially recognized by the Chamilo Association. The professionals are ranked from highest to lowest score (74% being the lowest passing score).

To access the list, click here: Chamilo Portal Assistant


Looking for a tutor for a course on your Chamilo e-learning platform?

We offer you our directory of professionals who have been successfully evaluated by a complex exam for Certified Chamilo LMS Course Builder (CHACOBU), with names, score, date of certification and a unique ID officially recognized by the Chamilo Association. The professionals are ranked from highest to lowest score (74% being the lowest passing score).

To access the list, click here: Chamilo Course Builder List

Very soon, our next levels of certification will be available to the public. Want to get Chamilo-certified? Drop us an e-mail at: